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About Green Grass Golf

Green Grass Golf, located in Hicksville, New York, was founded by Clive Lu.  With a vision to provide a more enjoyable experience to a growing number of amateur golfers, Clive applied his engineering talents and inventiveness to the task.  The result is a growing family of golf clubs that more closely adapt to a wide range of playing styles.

Today our innovations have been praised by many in the industry  and accepted as compliant with the norms established by regulating institutions everywhere.

Rather than selling its patent rights to larger corporations, Green Grass Golf has chosen to stay close to its customers.  The feedback provided by them has allowed us to keep improving our products and developing new ones.   

In recent times, we have discovered that our best customers started by trying just one of our products.  Then they came for more.  That is why we are proud to be able to bring you our "free putter" offer.   We know that most people will be very satisfied.








"I have always had a tendency to hook my medium and long irons. I set them up in the heel and really hit it straight... I was absolutely amazed at how
straight I hit the ball".
-- Joe, Former Golf Professional, Florida

E-mail: Clive Lu sales@greengrassgolf.com 
Green Grass Golf Corp. 
282 Newbridge Road, 
Hicksville, NY 11801 

Voice: 516-935-6722 ext:10 
FAX: 516-935-7064

rated by rsaci
best view by screen
800 x 600 true color


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Green Grass Golf Corp.
All rights Reserved.